A sprained ankle is a very common injury and involves the sprain, or stretching, of the ligaments of the ankle. It is more common to sprain the ligaments on the outside of the ankle than the ones on the inside as they are more broad and strong.
There are three ligaments on the outside of the ankle and one broad ligament on the inside of the ankle. The ligaments on the outside are named according to which bones they are attaching to. A lateral ankle sprain or sprain to the outside of the ankle occurs when the foot rolls underneath the ankle.
There are different degrees of ankle sprain depending on the level of stretch of the ligament.
Many mild grade 1 ankle sprains will improve on their own. However the rate of reinjury is very high once you have rolled your ankle once. Specific rehabilitation should be undertaken to help prevent further injuries.
Management is guided by the severity of injury and other associated injury. A physiotherapist is highly skilled to accurately assess and diagnose this. They will also be able to determine and give you a referral if you require any further investigations (ie. X-ray).
Acute management (initial 48hours) is aimed at reducing pain and inflammation, and preventing further stress of the injured ligaments. This should include your RICE management:
After the acute setting, it is important to abolish any swelling, restore full range of movement, restore strength and balance. This will aid a return to sport or normal activity quickly and as well as aiming to prevent further injury.
A physio can guide your rehabilitation:
Correct and thorough rehabilitation will ensure you return safely to your chosen activity and prevent future problems with your ankle.
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